Regulatory Links.

Our internal policies and procedures are reviewed on a quarterly basis and are published here on our ‘Links’ website tab.

ICT Overview. Our ICT Overview provides a higher level of detail around the technical, privacy and security aspects referenced within our Software Terms of Use. Addressing the topics of Data Protection, Software Integrity and Support in particular, the information is presented in a Q&A style format for ease of reference.

Privacy Policy. FocusCS is committed to treating Personal Information and Sensitive Information (“Information”) we collect, hold, use, disclose and dispose of in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP”) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) (“Act”). Consistent with the Act guidelines from the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (“OAIC”), we use a layered approach to presenting our Privacy Policy. Our Privacy Policy details how we handle Information, inclusive of risk management strategies, and is separated into distinct categories of records.

Privacy Management Plan. FocusCS is committed to treating Personal Information and Sensitive Information (“Information”) we collect, hold, use, disclose and dispose of in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP”) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) (“Act”). Our Privacy Management Plan details how we ensure compliance with our privacy obligations.

Software Terms of Use. Our Software Licensing Agreement is entered into directly between our Customer and ourselves. Our Software Terms of Use provide an overview of the Terms and Conditions outlined within our Software Licensing Agreement, and provides scope for the technical, hosting and support aspects of FocusCS.

Statement of Compliance. FocusCS values Best Practice and ensures full compliance with the Australian Privacy Principles in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) and the General Data Protection Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2016/679), and is compliant with the guiding principles of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (U.S.) (“HIPAA”). Our Statement of Compliance details how we ensure compliance with our privacy obligations.

Website Privacy Policy. FocusCS is committed to treating Personal Information and Sensitive Information (“Information”) we collect, hold, use, disclose and dispose of in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP”) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) (“Act”). Our Website Privacy Policy details how we handle Information, and is separated into distinct categories for ease of reference.

Website Terms of Use. FocusCS is committed to treating Personal Information and Sensitive Information (“Information”) we collect, hold, use, disclose and dispose of in accordance with the Australian Privacy Principles (“APP”) in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth.) (“Act”). Our Website Terms of Use details how visitors to our website (“You”) are able to use our website and the content contained within (“Website”).

Focus CJM Pty Ltd ABN 52 673 738 219 trading as FocusCS

1800 700 001 |

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